(This task analysis was conducted by a teacher with many students who did not complete their homework because of a deficit in organizational skills).

Many of my students complained that they had difficulty just starting their homework, let alone completing it.  They did not know how or where to begin.  From what I could determine, organization was their biggest obstacle.  This list was pasted on the inside cover of their homework notebook.

Find a quiet place to work.

Get a glass of something cold to drink.

Check to be sure that you have all of your books, notebooks, and a pencil with an eraser.

Do the first assignment on your list.

Check that assignment for errors.

Make a check mark next to the assignment in your notebook.

Do the next assignment.

Check it for errors.

Place a check mark next to the assignment in you r notebook.
(keep doing the previous three steps until all assignments are done)

When you're done, check to see that there is a checkmark next to each homework assignment that you wrote into the notebook.

Double check all of the homework for errors.

Place all of the homework assignments (if it's not in your notebook) into your folder.

Stack all of your notebooks and books together and put them in your book bag.

Place your book bag where you'll find it in the morning.
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