Welcome to the BehaviorAdvisor Online Store !
Here, educators and parents will find materials to boost their knowledge and skill bases in positive & effective management of behavior.
School district staff development specialists, professional speakers, & college professors now have access to rigorous, informative, and all–inclusive workshops for leading highly entertaining and productive teacher training sessions… the same ones given by Dr. Mac!
If, for any reason, the materials fail to match your expectations, you'll promptly receive your money back.
All the best,
Tom McIntyre, Ph.D. ("Dr. Mac")
P.S. There's always something new popping up in the showcase. Drop in whenever you visit www.BehaviorAdvisor.com

Your video guide for raising GREAT kids with positivity!
Dr. Mac's self-help book for kids with behavior challenges!
Effectively teach social skills, character, and inner management of behavior to youngsters who need them! This illustrated book is written TO kids with behavior challenges. It can be used as personal or home study by the young reader, OR as part or all of a structured social skills/character ed program at school.
BIG BONUS! 100 FREE lesson plans that compliment & extend the book's content!
Price: A bargain at $14.99 (Click to order and/or read more)
Just read the reviews!
“Sensitive and thorough.”—School Library Journal
“Encouraging.... Parents of children with behavior challenges would benefit from reading this book.”—Children’s Literature
“Excellent material.”—Voice of Youth Advocates
“Chock-full of information.”—School Library Journal’s Curriculum Connections
“A great book—very practical and helpful. Positive, encouraging, and supportive.”—Eleanor Guetzloe, Professor Emerita, Department of Special Education, University of South Florida
“Kids who use this book will not only make their own lives better, but also ease the lives of family adults, classmates, and teachers.”—Steven R. Forness, Ed.D., Professor, School Principal, and Chief Educational Psychologist, UCLA Neuropsychiatric Hospital, Los Angeles, CA
And now, For A book offered only on BehaviorAdvisor.com!
An incredibly valuable resource for new, developing, & stuggling teachers!
(Get a head start on reaching the sunlit pinnacle of teaching!)
This book covers absolutely EVERY important aspect of being a teacher,
from mundane tasks to crucial procedures.
(Where was it when I was struggling to "learn the ropes"?)
(More information)
A book you'll find only here on BehaviorAdvisor
Price: $29.99
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The Educators' & Parents'(& others) Guide to the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual (DSM) of the American Psychiatric Association
Some kids in your class have DSM diagnoses/labels. Perhaps your child at home has been diagnosed with a mental health disorder. To serve them well, you need to know about the DSM, it's history & purpose, and your youngsters' diagnoses. You'll get that information here.
A 5-part, 45-minute, humorous & insightful video podcast overview of the DSM.
Dr. Mac's

Coming soon: Individual pricing for these formerly institutional only modules

(with follow-up workshops)
Like you, I've suffered through painfully boring, content-empty professional development sessions. A couple of them were my own! ... But I kept reworking them until they were captivating on 4 levels: You do much of the preliminary work online so that you arrive at a shorter group session already possessing knowledge and skills on the topic; the group session starts at the point where you left off in your study, taking you even further; the entertainment value of the shorter workshop is stellar; and the material is applicable to the real-world classroom.
(Read the reviews of Dr. Mac's Workshops)
Don't sit through another sleep inducing workshop! 
Tell your staff development people to get these training modules.
(What's "the convincer"? ...Tell them that it will cost 10% to, at most, 25% of the amount they would spend to hire a consultant to come to speak ...AND the school or district gets to keep the workshop and use it for eternity!)
Educators deserve better. Indeed... They deserve the best!
Here it is ...with more to come.

The Essentials Of Positive & Effective
Classroom Management
Proficiency in classroom management is the lynchpin skill in teaching. NOTHING productive occurs in a educational settings until the teacher asserts himself or herself in a caring and competent manner. Unfortunately, MOST teachers receive absolutely no training in classroom and behavior management. Of those who do, the training is often inadequate to the task before them.
Dr. Mac's online study and follow-up workshop materials provide the knowledge & skills to become "The Captain of the Classroom".
(Click here for more information) ............................................... PRICE: $229.99

Reaching & Teaching Students
from Areas of Long-Term Poverty
Students from low socio-economic status areas are likely to enter the schoolhouse with a behavioral code and value system that is oppositional to the middle class environment found therein. This contrary orientation is especially prominent in areas of multi-generational poverty.
By becoming familiar with the (until now) unwritten rules of this micro-culture, teachers (& others) can gain the respect and cooperation of their students, while instilling values and behaviors that will benefit them in school and tomorrow's workplace.
Dr. Mac's learning module provides crucial information and recommended practices for those who work in schools serving poor neighborhoods, addressing the motivational, behavioral, emotional, and social effects of living in areas of long term poverty.
(Click here for more information) ............................................... PRICE $259.99

Reaching & Teaching
African American Students At-Risk
(for school & life failure)
* * This module is highly recommended for schools and districts in which there is an achievement gap between groups of different heritages, and in settings where African American students are disproportionately receiving disciplinary penalties or special education placements.
African American young people, especially males, are overrepresented in disciplinary procedures and programs for students with behavior disorders. Much of the out-of-proportion findings can be attributed to assessment bias and lack of educator awareness of commonly found "cultural markers" in learning preferences and behavior patterns. At present, the ways we train teachers to teach and manage behavior are oftentimes contrary to what is "best practice" for African American students who display their traditional cultural markers.
This learning module addresses issues and practices related to the optimal education of these at-risk students. You'll find material that isn't available anywhere else! (Just try looking for it). Designed by Dr. Mac for educators and support personnel who work with African American youth, it informs participants of commonly found cultural characteristics in the African American culture. Via online study and a follow-up workshop, educational professionals become better able to discern the presence and influence of these "cultural markers" in both hypothetical and real school-based situations. Evidence-based practices that support our efforts to develop positive relationships and well-run classrooms full of motivated students are provided.
(Click here for more information).............................................Price: $399.99

COMING SOON: More learning modules regarding: Understanding & Changing Chronically Aggressive Behavior
Data Collection & Assessment of Behavior
The Basics of Applied Behavior Analysis
The Circle of Courage Model
Dealing with Defiance
FREE! (At a store?)

My esteemed and generous colleague, Rob Plevin, is offering our BehaviorAdvisor visitors a FANTASTIC opportunity: A FREE mini-course on classroom management. It's simply super. My graduate students rave about it. Download this valuable professional development resource at NO CHARGE right now!
This link will be fixed in the next few days. Please check back.
(Click on the ship's wheel above for immediate access. Then click on "Download your free report" and the blue "Click here")
Note sent to Dr. Mac: "On my own, last year, in doing research for classroom tips, I found Rob Plevin's sight and have used it for about 2 months. I've found it INCREDIBLY helpful!!!!!! I am using a lot of his tips today. They have literally transformed my teaching! I am indebted to both your site and www.behaviourneeds.com, and I have referred many teachers to your tips!...Keep 'em coming!
Ahhh... Relax after your hard day. You deserve it, & can download it immediately for just $3.99
Download & save this wonderful audio relaxation podcast by Dr. Donia Fahim. There when you need it.