Below, you will find free-use materials related to school classroom behavior management. The content is easily adaptable to the other settings (camps, after-school programs, recreational programs, home).
TRAINING VIDEOS (Click here for 8 different scenarios of about 2-3 minutes each.)
Hair styles and clothing fashions change, but behaviors still look the same. What would you have done in these situations? (Videos were created circa 1978)
VIDEO PODCASTS (Part of online workshops, but enjoyable viewing on their own)
The podcasts in this section are parts of online professional development learning modules (developed by Dr. Mac). These workshop materials also include audio podcasts, powerpoint shows with script, readings, & activities. Click here for more information regarding the professional development materials and how they can be utilized in your school or district.
Unable to view videos? Download "Quicktime Player" or "Real Time" from the internet (free).
(video) Developing a comprehensive classroom management system
Part 1 (10:53)
Part 2 (11:40)
Part 3 (18:21)
(video) Setting up classroom routines (13:59)
(video) Designing and organizing your classroom (14:40)
These podcasts are only one small part of a larger workshop. For information on how your school can purchase this professional development course, click here.
Professional Development Specialists: You too can lead this workshop. To obtain the training materials that accompany these videos, click here. Dr. Mac is also available to lead an in-person workshop
Collecting and analyzing quantitative and qualitative infomation, & making use of the results to create a behavior management plan
(audio) Assessing Behavior Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
(video) Projective testing: Theory & Instruments
Part 1 (9:58)
Part 2 (10:30)
Part 3 (7:47)
These podcasts are only one small part of a larger workshop. For information on how your school can purchase this professional development course, click here.
Professional Development Specialists: You too can lead this workshop. To obtain the training materials that accompany these videos, click here. Dr. Mac is also available to lead an in-person workshop
(video) Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
These podcasts are only one small part of a larger workshop. For information on how your school can purchase this professional development course, click here.
Professional Development Specialists: You too can lead this workshop. To obtain the training materials that accompany these videos, click here. Dr. Mac is also available to lead an in-person workshop
This 4-part video explains this positive discipline model for re-orienting children & youth at risk for poor life outcomes. Learn how to reshape the thinking & lives of behaviorally errant and "at-risk" youngsters.
Four videos explaining the model:
Part 1 (7:09) : This introductory part, explaining the history of the model is available only to those who purchase the professional development workshop materials found below.
Part 2 (8:57): This 2nd segment, provides an overview of the model and it's global applicability to youngsters of all cultural backgrounds.
Part 3 (15:23): This 3rd part provides an in-depth look in to the different components of the Circle of Courage model. The materials mentioned in this segment are available to purchasers of the professional development workshop materials (found below).
Part 4 (9:13): This final segment addresses the assessment of a youngster's character, & how caring adults can intervene using the model as a guide. It is available to those who purchase the assessment instruments found below, and/or those who purchase the workshop materials (also below).
Circle of Courage Practicioners: Does your facility use the C of C model? Dr. Mac has developed two assessment devices designed to expand upon the accuracy and utility of your "Developmental Audits": The "Youth Audit Form" and accompanying "Quadrant Checklists" provide additional detail and insight into the character make-up of errant youngsters. CLICK HERE for more information.
The Circle of Courage: Placed into Practice
Jane: (audio) 14 year old girl has controlling parents and no friends. Highly promiscuous.
Jesse: (audio) 12 year old boy is bully. Avoids school & schoolwork. Seeks negative attention.
William: (audio) 15 year old boy with PDD-NOS
Caroline: (audio) Part 1 Part 2 15 year old girl with "behavior disordered" label is aggressive, defiant & promiscuous. Has run away, is depressed & suicidal.
Rachel: (video) 11 year old girl with cognitive & physical impairments is neglected by overwhelmed parents of 11 children.
James: (video) 10 year old boy refuses to work or comply with teacher directions. No caring adults in his her life (including teacher). Prescribed plan was implemented. Narrator describes plan and success.
Chelsea: (audio) 9 year old girl, adopted from an abusive family has academic difficulties. Displays behavior that is attention seeking, defiant & angry.
No Name: (audio) 7 year old boy with autism who displays non-compliant & aggressive actions toward peers & adults.
Brianne: (video is blank - audio only) 6 year old girl is a social outcast. Low academic achievement & displays aggression against peers.
William: (audio) 15 year old boy with PDD-NOS. Inappropriate interactions, aggressive, forgetful, and delayed development.
Brie: (audio) 8 year old girl held back in first grade. Mean and hurtful toward other students.
(audio) Introduction
(audio) Cultural markers
These podcasts are only one small part of a larger workshop. For information on how your school can purchase this professional development course, click here.
Professional Development Specialists: You too can lead this workshop. To obtain the training materials that accompany these videos, click here. Dr. Mac is also available to lead an in-person workshop. For individuals or groups of teachers who wish to take this credit-bearing course on their own, it is available in an online version at: www.ezrenewalcredit247.org
(For teachers of students with emotional and/or behavioral disorders)
Introduction to the model: Dr. Mac introduces his model for understanding why some teachers are soooo good with EBD kids, why others are not, & how to become a masterful teacher of "at-risk"
students. Dr. Mac is available to lead in-person presentations on this topic.
Part 1: Understanding stages 1 and 2 (8:38)
Part 2: Leaving stage 2 (14:17)
Part 3: Understanding stage 3 and 4 (8:50)
Part 4: Ascending to stage 4 and beyond (9:40)
These podcasts are only one small part of a larger workshop. For information on how your school can purchase this professional development course, click here.
Professional Development Specialists: You too can lead this workshop. To obtain the training materials that accompany these videos, click here. Dr. Mac is also available to lead an in-person workshop
P.S. Would you like to hear the sage advice and wisdom of a top-tier teacher of students with emotional and behavioral disorders? Scroll down to Dr. Mac's interview with Anthony Mullen, National Teacher of the Year (USA), and a teacher of EBD students.
DSM (Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of the APA)
What is DSM? (Dr. Mac's video podcast)
Borderline Personality Disorder (created by Anne Workman, former student of Dr. Mac)
Gender Identity Disorder (Gender Incongruence in DSM-5, developed by Anne Workman)
Great Videos Made by Dr. Mac's Students
ABA for Parents An overview of how parents can use the practices of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) to promote positive behavior change in their children with autism.
Bibliotherapy The use of books (videos, television episodes, etc) to help individuals cope with and resolve emotional issues.
Cooperative Team Teaching: Models A hilarious & informative overview of the various ways in which general education and special education teachers can work together to implement the CTT model.
Leveled Literacy & Just-Right Books How to determine the level of independent reading most appropriate for the child, & select the best books.
More to come!
AUDIO PODCASTS (About 15 to 25 minutes long)
Many of the podcasts are parts of online professional development learning modules that also include documents & activities. To obtain accompanying materials for use in your district as activities for online learning and/or in-person follow-up sessions, click here.
Making effective use of praise (Tom McIntyre, Teach Central Interview)
Motivating the unmotivated student (Tom McIntyre, Teach Central Interview)
Classroom behavior management systems (Tom McIntyre, Teach Central Interview)
An introduction to learning styles (Tom McIntyre, Teach Central Interview)
Cultural influences on learning styles (Tom McIntyre, Teach Central Interview)
Jacinto (Part 1): A case study involving a student with a conduct disorder (Tom McIntyre)
Jacinto (Part 2): Relating to youngsters with conduct disorders (Tom McIntyre)
9-Part (80 minute) Interview with Anthony Mullen, National Teacher of the Year (USA). He is a teacher of students with severe emotional & behavioral disorders (EBD). (Tony is on the left in picture. Dr. Mac is on the right.)
#1 (8:15) Introduction and general overview
#2 (9:30) Building relationships with relationship-resistant youngsters
#3 (6:26) How he built strong trust bonds with one authority-aversive student
#4 (6:09) The use of humor & Helping students reach high standards
#5 (8:26) Forces that work against caring and competent teachers of EBD students
#6 (12:16) Models for reaching and teaching EBD students, Behavior management, Tips for new teachers, and reaching out to the homes of students with EBD
#7 (12:30) Teaching social skills & Use of cooperative groups with EBD students
#8 (9:52) Misbehavior as a test of the teacher & How to pass the tests our students give
#9 (9:09) Closure & Fond recollections of his teaching experience
TV INTERVIEWS (2 to 3 minutes long)
Tattling (Tom McIntyre, WNBC-TV Interview)
Virginia Tech Shooting Incident Analysis (Tom McIntyre, Reuters News Video)
Virginia Tech Shooting Incident Analysis (Tom McIntyre, AP News Video)
Virginia Tech Shooting Incident Analysis (Tom McIntyre, News12 Westchester)
NOTE #1 : The slide shows are highly animated. If you watch the show, it might stop at red punctuation marks... to allow you to guess the answers that will appear when you click the mouse. A green punctuation mark indicates the end of a slide. Click the mouse to go to the next slide. NOTE #2: You can avoid all the clicking and waiting: When the slide show appears on your screen, "right click" on your mouse (PC users), and then select "edit slides". That act will allow you to view all of the slides at once without all the animation.
ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) & It's Procedures
Introduction to ABA (Basic principles)
Assessing behavior
How to use "behavioral recording" to collect data on student behavior
Differential reinforcement (Getting rid of inappropriate behaviors by using positivity)
Other Topics
Understanding the different models for explaining why kids display inappropriate behavior
The "stages of teaching" if one has inadequate behavior management skill (also view the video podcast on this topic)
Steps for developing a comprehensive classroom management system (also view the video podcast on this topic)
Using classroom design and arrangement to manage student behavior (also view the video podcast on this topic)
Figuring out why kids misbehave
Understanding withdrawl and ritualistic behaviors in children with autism
A model for understanding why teachers and students get into arguments & conflict
Understanding and preventing school shootings (long version with speaker notes)
Information on school shootings
Teaching social skills to kids who don't have them (yet)
Motivating the unmotivated student
Overview of various models for explaining how behavior develops, why inappropriate response patterns
occur in children & youth, and how to change behavior for the better
Aggression: Understanding it, preventing it, defusing it, & handling it (also view the video podcast on this topic)
Teaching Recent Immigrant Children & Youth

How to Make Good Choices and Stay Out of Trouble by Tom McIntyre, Ph.D. (Dr. Mac)
*A self-help book designed for kids with behavior challenges, they can make use of the book independently (given a 4th grade reading level), or teachers/counselors can use the text to guide small groups of students who need to work on their behavior at home and school. Parents will also find it helpful in changing their child's behavior for the better.
Kids who face behavioral challenges struggle every day—with their peers, teachers, parents, and themselves. Often, however, kids who get in trouble a lot don’t know how else to act in those situations. Maybe they can state the behavior they should be showing, but they don't have any history of practicing these desired ways of behaving. This book can help them make better choices that will improve their behavior and their lives.
THE BEHAVIOR SURVIVAL GUIDE FOR KIDS guides youngsters to better understand themselves and the problems their behavior creates. In kid language, “Dr. Mac” describes what BD is (and isn’t), the types and causes of BD, and special school programs for kids with BD. He provides many strategies that kids can use to handle strong feelings and make positive choices. Stories and quotes from real kids labeled as being behavior disordered let readers know they’re not alone; "It's your turn" segments present activities for practicing these new ways to behave. Kids learn to believe in themselves, take responsibility for their actions, make smarter choices, and enjoy the results of their better behavior. The book includes a glossary and additional resources for kids, parents, and teachers. his page is under construction.
This book can be purchased at Amazon.com There, you will also find other information and testimonials from parents and kids.
FREE! 100 lessons plans based upon the Behavior Survival Guide (but they can be used alone to build social skills, character, anger management, and self efficacy). Organized by chapter, these plans allow you to extend the material found in the BSG... the only social skills and character development program written FOR kids (not just the teachers). Click on the homepage button for "100 lesson plans".
SPANISH McIntyre, T. (2008). Guia De Actitudes Y Comportamientos Para Ninos. Available from the Ediciones San Pablo web site. (Spain).
KOREAN McIntyre, T. (2008). Available from the web site of Sigma Press. (Korea)
CROATIAN McIntyre, T. (2007). Ponasanje: Vodic Za Prezivljavanje. Available from the Ostvarenje web site. (Croatia)
COMING IN LATE-FALL 2012 or Winter 2013 !
The Survival Guide for Recent Immigrant Kids: Who you are and who you will become in America (Canada) by Dr. Mac. |