Safe harbor for 'Captains of the Classroom'

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A warm & hearty welcome to you!
You've reached this granite planet's most visited and respected classroom behaviour management web site. Here you'll find thousands of positive and respectful strategies & interventions for promoting appropriate behavior (in kids AND the adults who serve them). No need for "pay back" to me. Instead, "pay it forward" ... Share these strategies with another adult who works with kids in need of guidance. Thanks for visiting... Dr. Mac

The United Federation of Teachers says of "A wild, witty and highly practical site for educators challenged by student (mis)behavior. A definite mental health destination for teachers at their wits end in managing challenging behavior!"
As a Thank You! for clicking the Facebook "Like" button (below), you'll automatically receive the very popular multi-part 1-hour humorous & informative video podcast, Dr. Mac's "DSM: An Overview & Semi-Rational Analysis" (Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders)
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What's New at BehaviorAdvisor?
Daily behaviour management tips & discussion on our facebook page (search for Behavior Advisor)
2. Dr. Mac's "Positive Parenting Practices" video podcast!
An instrument for assessing an errant youngster's readiness for positive behavio(u)r change, & A manual of interventions for moving him/her toward willingness and motivation to change. For "Tier 3" kids (PBIS)
A character assessment instrument based on the Circle of Courage model for re-orienting youngsters with severe behavioral disorders. For "Tier 2 & 3" kids (PBIS)
5. An interview with Dr. Mac about toddler behavior.
You're missing out!!
Get on the "B-List"! (Behavio(u)r List) Sign up for FREE access to the "Intervention Strategies" part of our site. You'll also receive Dr. Mac's periodic tips on managing behavior in positive & respectful ways, discount coupons, & notice of new materials before they are presented here. Click on the "Intervention Strategies" button.
What's Coming Next?
1. Online "learning modules" on various classroom management topics & Applied Behavio(u)r Analysis. Conduct your own professional development for continuing education credits/units!
2. A series of video podcasts on understanding, preventing & defusing defiance.
3. An e-book & video podcasts for using Positive Parenting Practices with children who have ADHD.
4.An e-book FOR recent immigrant students to English speaking countries. (For understanding their intrapersonal changes & developing a positive cross-cultural identity).
5. Lots more video podcasts, web pages, & how-to-do-it strategies for helping kids make better behavior choices.
6. A updated look for the site.